Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sweet and Sour Meatloaf

this is another repeat. Here is the original.


Sue said...

This is good meatloaf - and thanks for the yams! We ate them for a late night snack because we didn't have time to cook them after the meatloaf was done. Thanks Becky! I'm excited to see your new counter tops. Hooray! almost there.

Jodi said...

Hey Becky!!! Thanks for the awesome meatloaf!! As usual we ate it all up. And Ryker saw it and immediatly said "Yum, thats my favorite!!"

Ellie McFreaken said...

I love how I act like I am a part of your cookin' group Becky! I just always come to see what you've made because I know it is tried and true!